CLAREX® Acrylic Sheet Colors

Standard colors. Minimum order quantities may apply. Custom colors available. Contact Astra Products with your requirements.

CLAREX® offers a wide range of standard colors and can match your custom color requirements, too.

CLAREX® COLORS - A wide range of standard colors are available and are suitable for most requirements. If your project requires custom colors and transmission factors, our production specialists can accommodate virtually any color you require.

A Sampling of Our Wide Range of Colors
Color No. Color Total Light Application
001 Clear 91% LCD, PDP, EL, FED
N-8912 Blue Smoke 14.1% VFD
N-6401 Blue 21% VFD
N-119 Gray Smoke 63% PDP, EL, FED, CRT
N-127 Gray Smoke 23% LED
N-157 Gray Smoke 50% LED, EL, FED, CRT, VFD
N-159 Gray Smoke 41% LED, EL, FED, CRT
N-168 Gray Smoke 75% PDP, FED, CRT
N-217 Gray Smoke 31% LED, EL, FED
N-2902 Gray Smoke 80% PDP, FED, LCD
N-298 Gray Smoke 70% PDP, FED, CRT
N-030 Red 9% LED
N-205 Red 17% LED, VFD
T-981203 Red Wine 27% VFD
N-150 Brown Smoke 31% LED
N-250 Green 13.5% LED, VFD
N-219 Green 19.2% LED, VFD
N-6515 Green 28.5% VFD
N-851 Gold Green 14.4% LED
N-8910 Olive 15% VFD
N-984 Violet 6.6% LED
T-041006 Violet 26.5% VFD

*Total Light Transmission Values are based on information we believe to be reliable. It is offered in good faith, but without guarantee.